Who am I ?
Honestly, I am still figuring that out... aren't we all?
What I know about myself thus far is:
I'm a creative, tech-savvy photographer from the Western Slope of Colorado.
I graduated from the Ft. Lewis College in Durango, where I earned my
Bachelors of Arts. I am an extremely active person; I ride motorcycles , rock climb, kayak, and fly. Yes, in an airplane, as my wings have not fully come in yet.
I am a self-studied techie with what my esteemed sister calls,
"an impulse to retro-engineer the web" .
I've always had a different way of learning things. I was the kind of kid who would take things apart... and not put them back together.
What can I say, sometimes I found other things to do with the pieces!
In the first year of working with the Guitar,
I was told I played like an improvisational "Willie and Lobo".
Currently, I am in the process of experimenting with other instruments like the melodica and theremin.
I enjoy summers in Colorado and in winter I try and make time for maintenance on my sailboat in The Keys.
-Jack Wire
